Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 11392 Motu Vaiamanu - Secteur Est
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 11525 FARE - Vallée Haamene. Flanc droit
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 11683 FITII - Route traversière Fitii - Faie
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 11862 AVERA - Vallée de la baie Faaharato
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 11969 AVERA - Vallée de la Haoma
Peperomia pallida (J.G. Forster) A. Dietrich Florence J. 12086 FAANUI - Mont Pahia. Flanc Ouest
Peperomia pallida (J.G.A. Forster) A.G. Dietrich Perlman S.P. 15008 Hanavave Valley, cliffs below Teani near Teeavahinenao Pass; up Uiha stream to back wall
Peperomia pallida (J.G.A. Forster) A.G. Dietrich Wood K.R. 4486 Teavapuhiau Pass, ridge toward Touaouoho
Peperomia pallida (J.G.A. Forster) A.G. Dietrich Perlman S.P. 14963 Mt. Touaouoho, on northwest side of peak along ridges between Touaouho and Teavapuhiau, along stream at base of Touaouoho
Peperomia pallida (J.G.A. Forster) A.G. Dietrich Perlman S.P. 15845 Summit of ridge near Hitikau, crest of island, from Matukuaha to summit of Hitikau
Peperomia pallida (G.Forst.) A. Dietr. Wood K.R. 10499 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Peperomia pallida (G.Forst.) A. Dietr. Wood K.R. 10457 Drainage and forest patch to the northwest of Teavahaakiti
Peperomia pallida (G.Forst.) A. Dietr. Wood K.R. 10130 Temeae, southeastern mesic slopes below Tevaiua
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Perlman S.P. 18441 Ouia valley, back of valley on south side
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Price J. 233 Hanaui, on trail just above valley bottom
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Wood K.R. 10791 Eastern summit rim of Vaikivi above Hanahouua
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Lorence D.H. 9342 Pou Maka, ridge from SE base of peak heading toward Teavahaakiti
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Lorence D.H. 9012 Trail from Omoa-Hanavave road leading to Teavapuhiau peak, just S of Teavapuhiau peak
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Perlman S.P. 18455 Along summit crest of ridge above Omoa valley, south of Tekau peak, north of Tevaiua, came up ridge between Takiei and Motuoi
Peperomia pallida (G. Forst.) A. Dietr. Wood K.R. 10750 Vaikivi summit region and drainage, boulder-strewn stream-bed running south and west below Hitikau

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