Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Florence J. 4320 TOOVII, vallon au-dessus du réservoir
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Lorence D.H. 9127 Aneau river valley NE of ridge leading to Poutetainui peak
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10320 Ridge above Anakooma river and below Oave
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10346 Forested slopes around Pou Totamaiti
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10461 Drainage and forest patch to the northwest of Teavahaakiti
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Lorence D.H. 9336 Pou Maka, ridge from SE base of peak heading toward Teavahaakiti
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10500 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10501 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10539 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10546 Hane/Hokatu cliff zone
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10545 Hane/Hokatu cliff zone
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10832 Forested Ridges and Slopes to the north and west of Pouakei
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Dunn L.M. 455 Vaikivi Region on the Hitikau summit trail
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 10758 Vaikivi summit region and drainage, boulder-strewn stream-bed running south and west below Hitikau
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Lorence D.H. 9110 Anakooma river valley just SSE of Oave peak
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Meyer J.-Y. 2255 Perau
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Wood K.R. 9363 Maitua & Peupeu, above Ha'urei
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green Moverley A.W. 16 Pitcairn Island
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green s.coll. s.n. Tahiti
Crepidomanes endlicherianum (C. Presl) P.S. Green s.coll. s.n. Nucahiva

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