Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Humata pectinata Fosberg F.R. 62943 N.W. ridge of Pic Vert, above Papeete, headwaters of lower branch of Tipaerui River
Humata pectinata (J.E. Sm.) Desv. Fosberg F.R. 63044 S.W. slopes of Mt. Turi
Humata cf. pectinata (J.E.Sm.) Desv. Fosberg F.R. 63076 Valley above Faie. On south slope of east ridge of Mt. Turi
Humata pectinata (J.E.SM.) Desv. Fosberg F.R. 63212 Bay between Faravai and Papararoa points, middle west coast
Humata pectinata (J.E. Sm.) Desv. Fosberg F.R. 63683 Upper Opunohu Valley, marae area

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