Détermination du spécimen | Collecteur | Numéro | Station de collecte |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. | Motley T.J. | 2654 | Coastline east of Ahurei Village |
Peperomia blanda Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth | Wood K.R. | 10291 | Water intake above Hakahetau at trail head to Pou Maka |
Peperomia blanda Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth | Wood K.R. | 10769 | Haahue, northwestern coastal valley |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. | Perlman S.P. | 18049 | Vavai, coastal shelf below Mt Perau, between Puero Bay and Kuturoa Pt. |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. | Motley T.J. | 2695 | Mt. Motu, Slopes along northern shore of Hiri Bay. |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. (= P. leptostayhya) | Perlman S.P. | 18061 | Tapui Islet, in Ha' urei Bay |
Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth. | Motley T.J. | 2746 | Tapui Islet, in back of Ha' urei Bay |
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