Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 6874 TOOVII, épaulement SW du Mt Ooumu
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 7459 TOOVII, épaulement S du Mt Ooumu
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 8533 TERRE DESERTE, haute vallée de Tapueahu, crête Ouest du Mt Akaupe
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 9541 Epaulement SW du Mt Touaouoho
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 9585 Crête Ouest du Mt Mounanui
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Florence J. 9635 Commune : ATUONA - Piste de Hanamenu, NW du Mt Temetiu
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Lorence D.H. 6118 Toovii Region, trail along ridge from near l'Economie Rurale complex to Ooumu peak
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Wood K.R. 4531 Teavapuhiau Pass, area where trail heads west to Omoa
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Lorence D.H. 8942 Ridge crest leading to Mt. Temetiu, S of Teakatau, along ridge heading W. towards Hanamenu
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Br.) Ching Wood K.R. 10448 Forested ridge and slopes up to Teavahaakiti, northwest side
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Br.) Ching Wood K.R. 10478 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Wood K.R. 10475 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Wood K.R. 10497 Hitikau region, ascended via the Matukuoha Ridge over-looking Hane, constitutes the summit of the single crater of Ua Huka, a small plateau of around four sq kilometers between 700 and 884 m elev. (2300-2900 ft.)
Thelypteris quaylei Butaud J.-F. 2714 Plateau Hitikau. Vallon ouest entaillant le plateau coté Katoahu
Thelypteris quaylei Butaud J.-F. 2421 Hohoi. Col Ouest Kohepu
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Schuettpelz Eric 1875 Between Oave and Matahenua.
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Schuettpelz Eric 1879 On saddle adjacent to Tekohepu (between Hohoi and Hikeu).
Thelypteris quaylei (E. Brown) Ching Schuettpelz Eric 1939 Vicinity of Temetiu, above Atuona, along trail to Hanamenu.

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