Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Sachet M.-H. 914 Motu Tavae
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Sachet M.-H. 1209 Atuona beach
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Fosberg F.R. 64749 Motu Auira, south end, in from seaward beach
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Sachet M.-H. 2022 Southwest side of atoll, area around first cistern from village, Vairua
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Cartier C.L. 148 Motu Tiahura. Southern shore back of beach
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Cartier C.L. 252 Motu Fareone. Northwest corner of motu
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Wood K.R. 4476 Aiguilles Rocheuses, Tataaihoa side
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Wood K.R. 4367 Taaoa to Teaehoa
Cyperus javanicus M. Houttuyn Perlman S.P. 15876 Seacliff just before the village of Hane, along road from Vaipaee to Hokatu
Cyperus javanicus Butaud J.-F. 1549 Taipivai Cascade Vaiahu, rivière secondaire
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Dunn L.M. 188 Atu Ona: on the east side of the bay
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Dunn L.M. 119 Atu Ona: near the beach
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Wood K.R. 9676 Tapiko Islet, a small islet (ca. 2000 sq m) islet off the southern point of Rapa and adjacent to the larger Tauturau Islet
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Perlman S.P. 18405 Hanapuoo valley, North coast between Tenihofati and Tehape, slopes of valley
Cyperus javanicus Butaud J.-F. 2537 Village Raitahiti
Cyperus javanicus Butaud J.-F. 2032 Pukarua. Village.
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Motley T.J. 2780 Tauturau Islet, (rabbit island, placed there by owner)

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