Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Davallia solida Banks J. s.n. Otaheite
Davallia solida Nelson D. s.n. Otaheite
Davallia solida Gill W.W. 4 Mangaia
Davallia solida Luttrell C. 29 S. of village, 100 m south of rugby pitch. Left hand side of road into trees
Davallia solida Luttrell C. 158[B] Forest to SW of swamp, West of Roto Iti
Davallia solida Beechey F.W. s.n. Coral isld (= Mangareva)
Davallia solida Luttrell C. 158 Forest to SW of swamp, West of Roto Iti
Davallia solida d'Urville J.S.C. s.n. Otaheiti
Davallia solida s.coll. s.n. Tahiti
Davallia solida Vieillard E. s.n. Montagne de Fatahoua
Davallia solida Beechey Exped. s.n. Tahiti
Davallia solida Menzies A. s.n. Otaheite

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