Les taxons

Détermination du spécimen Collecteur Numéro Station de collecte
Apetahia longistigmata (F.Br.) E. Wimm. Perlman S.P. 19183 Pouakei and along ridge trail to Pouakei, across valley from Pou Maka and Pou Maka trail
Apetahia longistigmata (F.Br.) E. Wimm. Meyer J.-Y. 2539 Oave- Teavahaakiti : Crête reliant Poumaka et la crête sommitale Oave Teavahaakiti
Apetahia longistigmata (F.Br.) E. Wimm. Wood K.R. 10844 Forested Ridges and Slopes to the north and west of Pouakei
Apetahia longistigmata (F.Br.) E. Wimm. Dunn L.M. 96 Terre Deserte: on a ridgeline off the main road near the pass going into Terre Deserte
Apetahia longistigmata (F.Br.) E. Wimm. Wood K.R. 10808 Central Ua Pou including the summit crest regions around Oave and the near-by peak of Matahenua

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